[채용] Microsoft Korea 채용 공고 (~7/22)

안녕하세요, 한양대학교 국제팀입니다.

Microsoft Korea에서 Full-Time 근무자 채용을 진행하고 있습니다.(~7/22까지)

자세한 업무 내용 및 지원 방법은 아래의 링크를 통해 Microsoft 홈페이지에서 확인 후 지원해주시기 바랍니다.




Hello Students,

Microsoft is hiring Graduates & MBAs in Korea, Seoul

Students are requested to click on the below link to submit their applications for full time role opportunities

[Applications Close on 22nd July, 2022] - Looking for University Candidates who can join as Full time employees by October 2022

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, the university recruiting team will be in contact with you should you be deemed suitable.


Marketing & Operations Roles  (Bachelors & Masters Degree) :


Customer Success Roles (Bachelors & Masters Degree) :


Tech Sales Roles (MBA) : 



Every year, we welcome thousands of university graduates from every corner of the world to join Microsoft. You bring your aspirations, talent, potential—and excitement for the journey ahead.   


At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more and when you begin your career with us, we empower you through the Microsoft Aspire Experience. Those hired into the roles listed below are invited to participate in this two-year learning and development experience where you'll build your network, cultivate intentional capabilities and gain perspective into the career opportunities across Microsoft’s many exciting businesses.   


We’re a company of learn-it-all’s rather than know-it-alls and our culture is centered around embracing a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence, and encouraging teams and leaders to bring their best each day. Does this sound like you? Learn more about our cultural attributes.   


Are you ready to join us and create the future? 

Come as you are, do what you love—start your journey with us today by applying to the opportunity


Looking forward to your applications!

Thanks & Regards,





<지원 링크>

▶ Marketing & Operations Roles  (Bachelors & Masters Degree)


Customer Success Roles (Bachelors & Masters Degree)


Tech Sales Roles (MBA)


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