2021 코리아타임스-주한인도대사관 영어 영상 공모전



주한인도대사관과 코리아타임스는 인도 독립 75주년을 기념하며 다양성과 다문화를 주제로 대학생 영어 영상 공모전을 개최합니다.


 기간 및 일정
- 2021년 9월 28일 ~ 11월 14일
(12월 중 결과 발표)


 공모 주제:

1. 당신에게 '다양성'이란 무엇을 의미하나요? 당신은 어떻게 지역 사회의 다양성을 강화시킬 것인가요?

2. 당신에게 다양성을 전형적으로 보여주는 단어는 무엇인가요? 그 이유를 설명해 보세요.

3. 우리 사회의 미래는 다양성에 달려 있습니다. 예를 들어 설명해 보세요.


 - 국내외 대학생 누구나 (나이 제한 없음, 외국인 지원 가능)


 - 참가신청서 (https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/event/application.zip)를 다운로드 후 내용을 기재한 다음, 영상물과 함께  sjahn@koreatimes.co.kr 로 전송합니다. 이메일 제목은 ‘Contest_성함’ 으로 해주세요.


 출품규격 (한가지 영상만 출품 가능)
 - 영상 규격: 60초 이내 - AVI, WMV, MP4 권장
 - 해상도 HD(1920 X 1080) 화질 이상 포맷
 - 500MB 이내


- 내용 전개, 영어 전달력, 영어 표현력, 영상 완성도 등



 - 대상 (1명) 100만원

 - 우수상 (1명) 50만원

 - 장려상 (1명) 30만원

 - 특별상 (10명) 10만원


 문의: 02) 724-2868




2021 Video Contest on Diversity


The Embassy of India in partnership with the Korea Times is hosting an inaugural video contest on the theme of diversity and multiculturalism. The event comes as part of India's 75 years of independence.

Applicants are required to create a short video clip of no more than 60 seconds.


Participants should send an application form available at this link : https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/event/application.zip  and the footage to sjahn@koreatimes.co.kr with the subject line "Contest_NAME."


The competition is open only to undergraduate students (both Koreans and foreigners) living in Korea and abroad.


Submissions must address one of the following major themes:

1. What does diversity mean to you? How would you personally enhance diversity in your community?

2. Which word epitomizes diversity to you? Explain why.

3. The future of our societies depends on diversity. Illustrate.


The submission period is from Sept. 28 to Nov. 14.
Winners will be announced in December.


Winners will receive a certificate and monetary prize (1,000,000 Korean won for the Grand Prize, 500,000 Korean won for Excellence Award, 300,000 Korean won for Commendation Award, and 100,000 Korean won for 10 distinguished entry prizes).


There is no age limit for the participants. A participant can submit only 1 video. Some of the FAQs are available at https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/09/780_316081.html?KK


For more information, please call (02) 724-2868.



List of Articles
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