WeGO는 민관협력을 통해 스마트하고 지속가능한 도시로의 변화를 위해 노력하는 도시지방정부기업기관 간의 국제 협의체입니다
현재 전 세계 200개 이상의 회원을 기반으로 스마트시티 분야의 국제적인 플랫폼 역할을 하고 있습니다. 
WeGO에서는 청년을 대상으로 스마트시티 주제의 강연과 솔루션 워크샵을 통한 경연대회를 개최하오니, 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 


ㅇ 기간: (1단계) 2022.3.4.~ 2022.4.24. / (2단계) 2022.4.25 ~ 2022.6.12

ㅇ 내용: (1단계스마트시티 강연 시리즈; (2단계스마트시티 솔루션 워크샵

ㅇ 신청기한2022.3.2.()까지

ㅇ 지원자격만 34세 이하 청년

ㅇ 시상: 서울시장상 (3팀) 및 상금

  •                       1등: 300만원 (1팀)
  •                       2등: 200만원 (1팀)
  •                       3등: 100만원 (1팀)

ㅇ 지원방법: 구글 폼 지원 (Form)

자세한 사항은 첨부파일을 확인해주시기 바랍니다. 


WeGO Smart City Champions 

(Application Deadline 2 March 2022) 

Greetings from the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO).

We are delighted to inform you that WeGO will organize the WeGO Smart City Champions, a youth program which will recruit youth from universities in member cities from all around the world to gain knowledge and build consensus around the future of smart cities. By fostering knowledge exchange and building capacities of youth in the field of urban development, sustainability and smart cities, this flagship program will empower young urban leaders of tomorrow to build safe and inclusive smart cities.

Through two phases, Phase I: Smart City Conceptual Foundation (lectures), and Phase II: Smart City Capacity Building (workshops), the program will guide and provide insight to the participants in exploring innovative solutions to current smart city challenges. 

More specifically, the lectures of Phase I aim to equip participants with the conceptual knowledge of smart cities. Through these lectures, participants will have a greater understanding of current smart city challenges and solutions. It will provide an opportunity for participants to learn from key experts and representatives from renowned corporations and institutions in the field of smart city development.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the application form by 2 March 2022. 

The Smart City Champions is open to all individuals under 35. 

All participants of Phase I and Phase II will receive WeGO Champions Certificate and the selected winners will receive an award presented by the President of WeGO (Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan Government), in addition to prize money (maximum 300만원). 

For more details, please refer to the attached files. 


[Attachment 1] FLYER_WeGO Smart City Champions.PDF [Concept Note]

[Attachment 2] WeGO Smart City Champions.pdf

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