[홍보] Invitation to International Online Case Competition (IOCC) 2022


Greetings from International Online Case Competition (IOCC), hosted by Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific, Japan.

This intensive competition enables students dispersed worldwide to hone their problem-solving and team-working skills, to bring original ideas to solve real-life scenarios, via a simulation. Students can choose from a range of 8 different categories of cases in the preliminary round, making IOCC comprehensive and inclusive.

The upcoming events that we would like to inform you in this mail are as follows:

      1) Information Session on March 5th 19:00 JST

          ○ Zoom meeting ID: 810 4002 6737

      2) Case Competitions 101 Session on March 6th 13:00 - 14:00 JST

          ○ Zoom meeting ID: 890 9400 0951

All sessions are open to the public and will be held online via Zoom.
For further details and regular updates, feel free to take a look at our website:
Home | IOCC website (iocc-apu.com)






[Attachment 1] Invitation Card.pdf

[Attachment 2] IOCC Poster.pdf


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