안녕하세요, 한양대학교 국제팀입니다.
SK텔레콤에서 외국인 엔지니어를 채용중에 있으니 관심이 있으신 분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
* 지원 접수 및 채용 세부 내용 : https://thecareers.sktelecom.
[What you will do]
1. Backend engineer
o Develop backend server/platform, design and build systems of SKT's customer services
such as 'A.', 'ifland', AI video/commercial platform
o Design/develop/operate systems for MNO business and intranet.
o Design and develop search/recommendation service in SKT service
2. Frontend enginner
o Develop frontend(Web/App.) services in SKT customer services such as 'ifland', 'T world'.
3. Client engineer
o Design/develop/operate client side of services such as 'A.', 'T call' in iOS
o Develop, upgrade 'MeetUS' services in Android/iOS
4. Data engineer
o Establish/operate internal data platform and integrative data analyzing system
o Develop a new service for customers through data analysis based on AI technology
o Develop a system for large capacity of data and develop a crawling agent
5. Machine Learning/Deep Learning
o Develop conversation services and video services for 'A.'
o Develop new services based on ML/DL such as supply/demand anticipation service of renewable energy
o Develop CTR anticipation model and video processing/synthesizing technologies
6. Graphics engineer
o Make metaverse graphic contents for avatar and space in 'ifland'
o Make 3D character platform and contents in 'A.'
7. System/Infra engineer
o Design/develop/operate IT infra for internal IT services
o Design/develop/operate facilties and systems for internal data center
o Design/develop/operate and optimize public cloud infrastructure for cloud transformation
8. Developing/Operating/Optimizing
ㅇ Operate services for 'A' and develop new or affliate services for 'A.'
ㅇ Improve services for 'A.' by monitoring and analyzing commercial issues
[Minimum Qualifications]
ㅇ Resident foreigners in Korea
※ Except overseas Korean(F-4 Visa holder)
ㅇ No disqualification for obtaining Visa and working in Korea
ㅇ Able to communicate in Korean
ㅇ Graduated by March 2023
ㅇ Not having work experience more than one year
ㅇ 본 공고는 한국에 거주 중인 외국인을 대상으로 합니다.
※ 재외동포 및 외국 국적 한국인(F-4 비자 소지자) 지원 불가
[ Hiring Process ]
1. Application : By October 6th 5pm
2. Test : Octobor 9th 11am ~
1) Online Coding Test
2) Online SKCT Work Personality Test
※ Details regarding the test will be notified on this website '마이페이지' in October 1st.
3. Assessment (Resumé/Essay) : by early November
4. Interview : within November
5. Offer : within December
6. First day of work : January 1st, 2023
※ Not until you pass the test that Resumé/Essay is required.
※ Application document (including Resumé/Essay) should be written in Korean.