안녕하세요, 한양대학교 국제팀입니다.

해외문화홍보원에서 외국인들 대상으로 한국문화 글로벌 콘텐츠 공모전을 운영하고 있습니다.

참여 방법 및 관련 정보는 첨부된 파일로 반드시 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다. 학생분들의 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.



□ How to participate in the contest

STEP 1. Go to www.talktalkkorea.or.kr and join the membership.

STEP 2. Click the detailed pages on each round of the contest

STEP 3-1 [Drawing, video, webtoon, photography] Create content and upload on your social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc.) or personal website

STEP 3-2 [Essay] Write an essay in free format

STEP 4. Click the “Apply” button at the bottom of the page for each round of the contest. Submit your work by uploading the file or referring to the link where the content has been uploaded.


□ Eligible contest participants

· People all around the world who love Korea

· The following are not eligible to participate:

1) People with Korean nationality 2) Persons aged 14 or below

* A person aged 14 or below can participate if he or she obtains the consent of his or her legal guardian.


□ Contest schedule

· Contest period: July 17 (Mon.) - September 17 (Sun.), 2023 KST

- 1st contest: July 17 (Mon.) - August 13 (Sun.), 2023

- 2nd contest: July 31 (Mon.) - September 3 (Sun.), 2023

- 3rd contest: August 14 (Mon.) - September 17 (Sun.), 2023

- Special contest: July 17 (Mon.) - September 17 (Sun.), 2023

· Screening period: September 25 (Mon.) - October 12 (Thu.), 2023

· Winner announcement: October 13 (Fri.), 2023

· Visiting Korea event: Beginning of November (8 nights 9 days) * Schedule subject to change


□ More details

한국문화 글로벌 콘텐츠 공모전(Talk Talk Korea 2023).docx


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