[홍보] 2023 현대자동차 JOB FAIR


[Hyundai Motor Company] Job Fair

Hyundai Motor Company’s Job Fair will be held for three days, from Sept 8th to Sept 10th at Scene, Seongsu-dong.
As the first in the industry, our job fair will be held as a pop-up event under the theme,
“What is your Project Code?”, and will introduce the journey of a project code,
the name given to cars under development, becoming a new complete model.

We have prepared a session for students (internationals residing in Korea) who are interested in Hyundai Motor Company, to hear the stories of our international employees. Take a peak at their stories, on the reasons they chose Hyundai, as well as their careers, and plan for your own future with Hyundai.


For those who would like to attend, please register via QR Code or Link below by Wed, September 6th.

■ Hyundai Job Fair in Seongsu
- Date: Fri, Sept 8th- Sun, Sept 10th
- Venue: Seongsu Scene (20, Yeonmujang 5-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, E3-min walk from Seongsu Station Exit 4)
- More info:  https://www.talent-hyundai-now.com/

■ Program

1) PROJECT CODE POP-UP (available at all times during the event)

Look forward to your growth at Hyundai by looking back on Team Hyundai members' new car project journey

Explore IONIQ 5, IONIQ 5N project stories  and work culture of Team Hyundai through various on-site events.
(*Pop-up exhibitions will be available at all times during the event without pre-registration)


2) Global Team Hyundai Talk (pre-registration required)

Meet Team Hyundai's global employees to learn about their careers and their life in Korea as well as global work opportunities.


- Date: September 10th (Sun) 18:30-19:30

- Location: Seongsu Scene 1st Floor


Global Team Hyundai Talk Pre-Registration Guide

For those who would like to participate in Global 'Team Hyundai Talk' Program,
please apply via email by QR Code below by Wednesday, September 6th.


Pre-registration Date: 2023.08.31 (Thu) ~ 2023.09.06 (Wed)

Pre-registration Link:  https://forms.gle/WYXq5uqyHyEzUss76

첨부2. QR Code .jpg


첨부1. 현대차 잡페어 행사 포스터 .png

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