현대자동차 NextGen 인턴십(재학생 대상 채용전환형 인턴십) 채용 공고



당사에서는 방학기간 동안 현직자와 함께 프로젝트를 주도적으로 수행하고, 우수 인턴에게 채용전환의 기회를 제공하는 NextGen 인턴십(재학생 대상 채용전환형 인턴십)을 운영하고 있습니다.

한국에서의 취업을 희망하는 외국인 학생들에게 좋은 기회가 될 것이라고 생각하며, 모집기간은 10월 20일(금) ~ 11월 2일(목) 17시 입니다.


[Hyundai Motor Company] NextGen Internship

NextGen Internship is a program in which excellent interns are given a full-time job opportunity after 5 weeks of summer/winter internship.
During the internship, you can successfully gain practical experiences and find yourself growing a step further by planning and carrying out projects with our people in HMC.
We welcome application for those who do not afraid to solve the problem and want to build a career in the top motor company in Korea. 

For those who would like to apply, please register via Link below by Thu, November 2nd.

■ Recruitment Field (Business Areas)

R&D, Production/Manufacturing, Design, Business/Planning
** For more details, check our career page below.

■ Who Can Apply

Students graduating in August 2024 (The 2nd half of 2024 for overseas university students) 

Students who are able to acquire a visa and a place to stay
Students who are able to communicate in Korean (TOPIK Level 5 or higher)

■ Hiring Process

1. Application : By 17:00, Thursday November 2nd
2. AI interview / Online personality test
3. Job interview
4. Internship : January - February 2024 (Full-time, 5 weeks)
5. Start Date : July - August 2024

■ How to Apply

Apply online on HMC's career page (https://intern.talent-hyundai-now.com)


[첨부] 현대차 NextGen 인턴십 포스터(영문).jpg

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