[채용] 메라톤 외국인 유학생 채용 공고

[메라톤] 외국인 유학생 채용 공고


Dear Future R&D Teammate,

In Melatone, we are a multi-national mid-size company located in Incheon. We are a leader in the decorative industry in Asia and have had a history of successive innovative products that are new in the market.

You can be a foreigner or Korean. We evaluate qualified applicants without regard to gender, origin, race, color, culture or religion. We are inclusive and have an expending multinational workforce in a team based in Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. I am Aravind, a Malaysian working as a R&D and Quality manager in Melatone Korea. I faced no discrimination while have equal opportunity career wise. I am looking for a likeminded member to join our team. We at Melatone are looking for someone who wants a unique opportunity to work in a R&D department team to makes conceptualized design and imagination to realization as finished products.

The work is challenging yet rewarding and you will be in the forefront as the member of R&D team. You get exposed to new technology and design in Europe or with oversea consultants and brainstorm new ideas. You will have countless opportunities to explore new paths and develop your skills and have a sustainable growth with the company. We are looking for suitable person who is willing to challenge existing processes, strategies, ideas or concepts.

You will be willing to work in Incheon, Korea. English is required and conversational Koreans skills are recommended. We have You should have a Bachelor’s degree in engineering with preference in chemical engineering, but any other engineering degrees are applicable. Most importantly, we need candidates to be willing to learn and not shy away from challenges.


2407 (주)메라톤 채용공고(품질혁신팀)_page-0001.jpg


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