▶ Application period : 24.09.25(Wed) ~ Closing upon completion of recruitment


▶ Apply

Online application through e-mail(hyunseung.park@ohora.com)

Check Job Posting → Send your application (No restriction on form)

- If you sent your application, Recruiter will check your application and return Result


▶ Recruiting Position : Global Contents Creator (Intern : During 6 months)


▶ Qualifications

- Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree or higher

※ Applicants with no restrictions on 6 months full-time internship

※ D-2/D-10/E-7/F-2/F-4/F-5/F-6 visa holders can also apply

※ Internship is conducted under D-10 visa, and E-7 visia will be supported when transition to a permanent employee.

- Applicants who have no reason for disqualification for overseas travel or health


▶ Recruitment process Document Screening > 1st Interview > 2nd Interview > Final announcement > Full-time Internship(6 months)
※ Foreigner applicants must hold a 6 months internship available visa (ex. D-10 working visa)
※ After transition to a permanent employee, E-7 visa will be supported for entry-level employee.
※ All screening steps will be emailed separately to successful applicants only.
※ The above process can be changed due to company circumstances.

※ Place Work : 416 Hangang-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Seoul Squar
※ Salary : 2,060,740 won (Monthly)


▶ Contact : Asking Application Guide / Q&A (hyunseung.park@ohora.com)

Thank you.


글로벌사업팀_콘텐츠크리에이터(인턴)_EN (1).png

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