🌻 Flower Pot Planting Activity for International Students 🌻




Dear international students at Hanyang,


We've prepared a fun and relaxing activity called  Bloom Where You're Planted  to help you start your spring semester with intention and growth!


Through this gathering, you can:
🌱 Reflect on your journey of growth & set a personal goal to grow
🌱 Plant a flower that symbolizes your growth
🌱 Share your experiences with fellow international friends and connect over your journeys
🌱 Take your flower home and watch it grow along with you


No matter where you are from, you can plant your roots and bloom... Join us for this creative and meaningful experience! 😊

Participants : 30 international undergraduate & graduate students (First come, first served)
Language : English
Date & Time : Wed, Mar 19, 5:00-6:30 PM
Venue : International Building, Room 108
Registration : Log into HY-in > Services > Psychological counseling > Counseling Program Application



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