[모집] 2021 PEACE PODIUM for Global Yout

[2021 PEACE PODIUM for Global Youth 🌐]

🗣 Are you interested in promoting regional peace and cooperation?
🗣 Are you eager to practice public speaking and negotiation while honing your multicultural communication skills?
✍🏼 Apply NOW to become a delegate to represent your country and to discuss the future of Northeast Asia!


This year KPPC is excited to present 2021 Peace Podium for Global Youth: Negotiating the Roadmap for peace in Northeast Asia. Please refer below for details of the event!

📌 Agenda
Ⅰ. Peace and Security
Ⅱ. COVID-19 & Regional Environmental Cooperation

📌 Date: June 25-27th, 2021
📌 Orientation: June 12th-13th (participation mandatory)
📌 Language: English
📌 Via Zoom 💻

📌 Participation Fee: ₩0 !!!
📌 Benefits: Certificate of Participation, Free Lectures, Networking, Gifts and more!

📌 Delegation: Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, Japan, United States, Russian Federation
📌 Application Deadline: June 5th 23:59, 2021
📌 Delegation Announcement: June 7th
*applicant must be between the ages of 19 and 34, currently residing in the Republic of Korea, and their nationality must correspond to the chosen delegation (recruiting upto 6 delegates per delegation)
*participation will be finalized upon reviewing the submitted application form

🌟 This event is co-hosted by Korean Peninsula Policy Consensus (KPPC) and Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation and abides by the government regulations and guidelines on COVID-19

See you all very soon at the Peace Podium for Global Youth 🙌

❓Contact: kppcsecretariat@gmail.com or KakaoTalk Channel (search: 한정컨)


List of Articles
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