[채용] LG화학 중동/인도 유학생 채용

LG Chem welcomes foreign students who want to get a job in Korea.


To expand global supply chain of raw material and strengthen our business capabilities,

LG Chem is looking for a candidate from India and Middle East as a Naphtha Buyer.

And the talent enrollment system just opened on 11th Apr in online web site.

(E-link : https://apply.lg.com/main/hrcard.rpi)


For datails, please see the attached PDF file and feel free to reach us.

(Email address : mnlgs@lgchem.com)



1. Employer : LG Chem


2. Job Title : Naphtha Buyer


3. Location : Yeo-ui-do, Seoul, Korea


4. Employment type : Regular


5. Working hours / type : 08:30 ~ 17:30 (Mon to Fri) / On-site


6. Requirements

- Candidates who have bachelor's degree or graduate-to-be (Chemical engineering is preferred)

- Candidates from India or Middle East, especially Kuwait

- Candidates who can work from July, 2022

- Bi-lingual in English and Korean

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