RIDI 콘텐츠 현지화 담당자 채용 공고(Quality Assurance Editor)


Manta, the world's leading digital comic platform, is a proud part of RIDI Corporation, a distinguished Korean unicorn startup. Our Localization Team is responsible for localizing content so that all our readers across the globe can enjoy our webcomics. Our work is not just about translation; it is about delivering the same experience, nuance and fun that local readers are able to enjoy in their native language.
We are looking for Quality Assurance Editors to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will work with other in-house creatives, project managers, freelancers and vendors to finalize and polish our content for publishing and train new collaborators to produce their best work.
This position is offered on a 1-year contract basis, with the potential for visa sponsorship.


 Apply Here : https://expat.careers/jobs/quality-assurance-editor?c=Xvd0SskB

▣ Deadline : ~ 23/09/27


RIDI - recruitment.png[Company Description]
RIDI, a market leader in the Korean digital content space, is quickly establishing itself as a key player among the global content providers. In November 2020, RIDI successfully launched Manta, a global subscription-based webcomics service, offering readers around the world the most delightful and accessible experience to enjoy diverse webcomics. Today Manta is a 3 million users’ favorite app and continues to reach fans in every corner of the world.


[Team Description]
The Localization Team is responsible for localizing content so that all our readers across the globe can enjoy our webcomics. Our work is not just about translation; it is about delivering the same experience, nuance, and fun that local readers are able to enjoy in their native language. Our project managers, designers, and language specialists work closely with one another to achieve this goal.


[Job Description]
As a QA Editor, you will work with other in-house creatives, project managers, freelancers, and vendors to finalize and polish our content for publishing and train new collaborators to produce their best work.
We are looking for highly motivated individuals with the right mix of technical, organizational, and communication skills to provide localization in the following languages: French, German, Italian, and Dutch.
This is a 1-year contract position.


▣ Responsibilities

• Review and finalize content for publishing
• Train new vendors and freelancers to meet RIDI’s quality standards
• Develop and improve localization guidelines including glossaries and style guides
• Manage external resources - hiring and training freelancers, conducting performance evaluations, etc.
• Work with any and all internal stakeholders to check material status, quality standards, and any issues related to translating and editing
• Provide expertise on linguistic and cultural nuances in cross-functional meetings


▣ Qualifications

• Native-level fluency in one of these languages: French, German, Italian, Dutch
• Solid grasp of grammar and punctuation rules in one of the languages mentioned above
• Advanced-level fluency in English
• Ability to identify and resolve mistranslations by comparing English source text and target language text
• Good communication skills to train and give feedback to peers, vendors, and freelancers


▣ Preferred Qualifications

• Experience with webcomic localization and/or other content localization
• Interest in webcomics/manhwa/manhua/manga
• Comfortable with reviewing adult, BL content
• Basic Photoshop skills


▣ Recruiting Process

• Document screening > Interview screening > Medical check-up > Hiring
• The interview process will be conducted in 2-4 rounds and will be explained in detail for each position.
• The hiring process usually takes 4-6 weeks. This timeline can be adjusted through communication with candidates, and we will notify you if there are any delays or changes to the timeline.
• In some cases, additional steps may be involved.


▣ Apply Here


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