(주)길교이앤씨 채용 공고


당사는 교량을 설계하고 시공하는 회사이며, 아래와 같이 외국인 유학생을 채용합니다.


1. 모집부문: 설계, R&D
2. 모집인원: 0명
3. 전공/학위: 건설, 토목, 구조관련 석‧박사, Post Doc.
4. 담당업무
  가. 설계: 교량 / 구조 설계(구조계산, 설계도면 작성 등)
  나. R&D: 지적재산권 창출 및 관리, 신공법 개발 및 보유기술 개선, R&D 연구과제
5. 지원방법 및 제출서류
  가. 이메일 지원: gmseo.gg@esgroup.net
  나. 제출서류: 이력서, 자기소개서(국문, 영문 등 자유형식으로 제출가능)
6. 문의사항: 경영지원팀 서경무 과장 (02-6121-6704)
7. 기타
  가. 근무장소: 서울 상암동 본사
  나. 국내 유관기업 인턴 근무 경력자, 한국어 가능자 우대

We are please to introduce our company.
As a Bridge Specialist in Korea, we are prsenting our outstanding performances for 20 years so far.
WE design & manufacture bridge girders mainly and continuously develop the technology to contribute for bridge construction fields.
Now we are hiring international students to meet the growing trend of the bridge construction market in domestic and to improve our performance against overseas markets as belows.

1. Design Engineers
  - Civil or Architectural Engineering Graduates or Master degree
  - Design works of Bridge incl. CAD works & Structural Analysis/Calculation
  - Engineering Support for Site works and Client's request

2. R&D Engineers
  - Civil or Architectural Engineering Graduates or Master degree
  - Girder Technology Development, Patent development and registration, Structural Analysis/Calculation, Development & R&D Tasks, Collaboration work with 3rd parties related to the R&D works
Experiences of internship or any working experiences in Korea will be advantageous for both positions

3. How to Apply
  Resume & Self-introduction essay in English or Korean E-mail to gmseo.gg@esgoup.net
  Mr. Seo / Manager +82-2-6121-6704

4. Location: ES Tower, World Cup buk-ro, 58 gil, Mappo-gu, Seoul, Korea

We look forward to receiving applications from international students who want to build their careers while working in Korea.




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