[홍보] 어라운드바디 글로벌 서포터즈 모집

안녕하세요, 한양대학교 국제팀입니다.


여성용품 기업 '어라운드바디'에서 글로벌 서포터즈를 모집중에 있습니다. 관심 있는 학생분들의 참여 바랍니다.




[Recruiting Aroundbody (AB) Global supporters]

Aroundbody (AB) is committed to providing high-quality products designed to support women during their menstrual cycle. We always reconsider the ‘original things or products’ that have been existing since the beginning of the Industrial revolution until now. And at Aroundbody (AB), we encourage others to think beyond the norm and discover what can make their lives better. We strive to support you in taking a leap forward towards achieving a healthier feminine life.


Requirements |

1. U.S. citizens living in South Korea

2. Women with a menstrual cycle falling between 2023.11.6 - 11.24

3. U.S. citizens interested in feminine care products

* Individuals who are active on social media are preferred (Instagram/TikTok/Snapchat)


Activities |

1. Use Aroundbody sanitary pads and leave reviews on social media & the official website

2. Create a promotional content(s) and upload it on social media 

3. Submit a product questionnaire and a satisfaction survey related to the program


Benefits |

1. Receive Aroundbody (AB) Sanitary pads free of charge (Pantiliners, Regular sized pads)

2. Dedicated supporters will receive a JIHE mania set, which includes 5 packs of sanitary pads, 3 packs of pantiliners, and a pouch, at the end of the activity.


Number of Supporters | 30 people

Application submission | 2023.10.27 (Fri) - 11.2 (Thu)

Announcement of Supporters | 2023. 11.3 (Fri)

* Chosen individuals will be contacted via e-mail or SMS

Period of Activities | 2023.11.6 (Mon) - 11.24 (Fri)


How to Apply | Submit an application via the Google Forms

: Please scan the QR code or click on the application(Google-form) link below.




Contact | aroundbody.uos@gmail.com

* Available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. excluding weekends








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