[모집] We invite you to KAIST ICISTS Hackafair 2024!

International students are offered a significant discount. The participation fee is 25,000 KRW.

- At least two meals will be provided during the event.
- A free tour of Daejeon (including meals) is planned after the event.


Dear international students! KAIST ICISTS, a club that hosts international conferences/workshops for university students will hold "ICISTS Hackafair 2024🔭" under the theme of "📍Reconnect Society📍” from August 7th to 11th.


📌 Workshop Summary 📌

① Total prize money of 1,500,000 KRW for IDEAthon!

② Yon can present your IDEAthon results to companies and citizens at the Tech-Fair

③ An opportunity to receive feedback from experts and listen to lectures from prominent speakers


💙 Event Overview 💙


📆 Date and time: 2024.08.07. (Wed) ~ 2024.08.11. (Sun) (4 nights)

🏫 Location: KAIST Main Campus (Daejeon)

👩🏫 Target: Undergraduate student who is interested in social problems and solutions / starting business / product design

💰 Total prize money: 1,500,000 KRW

💳 Participation fee (Before Discount): With dormitory ~~82,000 KRW~~ → 20,000 KRW

🛌 Accommodation & After party Provided!

🌟 Apply link: icists.org



💙 Session Introduction 💙


🎤 Speech: Outstanding professionals give lectures on the topic of “Reconnect Society” to help identify problems and shape ideas.


💡 IDEAthon: Select and define social conflicts or divided society. Specify it and present solution such as platforms, devices, policies, mobilities, and structures.


️ Tech-Fair: IDEAthon participants and various companies combine to run booths, and participants explain their ideas to the public.



💙Workshop Background 💙


📍 Today, we are living in a divided society than ever. 📍 Internet🌎 and recommendation algorithms🤖 have opened a world where individuals can find and enjoy content🎬 that fits their tastes. However, the development of individualism has gone beyond the positive effects of respecting diversity, and has created new problems of social conflict and disconnection of relationships.


A divided society is not just a problem in Korea. Many experts diagnose that the world is in a polycrisis 🚨 around COVID-19. Numerous social disconnections and conflicts are leading us to a 'divided society 🚷' such as political polarization 🤬, gender conflict 🚹🚺, gap between the rich and the poor 💸 ️, regional imbalance 🏗 ️, intergenerational disconnection 🧑🧑🧒 climate crisis ️, and neighbor disconnection 🏚 ️.


How should we overcome a divided society? ICISTS wants to 📍find new ideas💡 from students👩🏫 that can bring a divided society back together through Hackafair 2024. 📍 ICISTS Hackafair 2024 holds is a workshop where you can freely present ideas on resolving social conflicts/disconnections such as device📱, policy📝, transportation🚄, and building🏗 ️ and present the results to various companies, institutions, and citizens! 🎉


Even if you're not participating in the entire workshop, join the free Tech-Fair on 8/11 Sunday to explore various booths and play investment games!


🌟 Apply link : icists.org

📞 If you have any questions, please send it to icists@icists.org or Instagram DM (instagram.com/icistskaist) 😉

KAIST ICISTS Hackafair 포스터.jpg


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