2024 Dongwon Group Global Internship



Dongwon Industries


[Due date]

-7/1~7/10 (KST)



-Interview(1st, 2nd) : 7/16~7/17

-Internship : 7/29~8/23(4 weeks)

-Job Interview : End of August


[Job Title]

job title job description Preferred qualifications job qualifications location
Marine Business
(Vessel Operation and Trading) 
(@ Seoul H.Q.)
Supports on vessel operations.
Respond to works related with Sustainability
(MSC) and Coastal states.
Market and Industry Research.
Supports on Fish export and Trade.
Supervise Overseas loading and unloading. 
Major or Experience with International
Trade or Law preferred 

Thai, Vietnamese, Philippines, Indonesia Nationality preferred
* New or 1-3 years of experience
* College graduates or higher  (Those who can travel abroad)
* Language : English proficiency level is required (TOPIK Lv4~6)
Distribution and Sales
(@ Seoul)
Supporting the overall domestic sales process after sourcing seafood from overseas suppliers. * Experience in seafood sales preferred
* Nationality: Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesians prefer it for business. 
* New or 1-3 years of experience
* College graduates or higher  (Those who can travel abroad)
* Language : English proficiency level is required (TOPIK Lv4~6)
Foreign Crew Management
(@ Busan Branch)
Supports on works related Foreign Crews
(Training and Educating, Managing Foreign
Crews’ boarding and Disembarkation) 
Ability of Skilled Communication and People friendly Personality preferred

Experience in Maritime works preferred Indonesia Nationality preferred
* New or 1-3 years of experience
* College graduates or higher  (Those who can travel abroad)
* Language : English proficiency level is required (TOPIK Lv4~6)
Busan branch
IT engineer / AI engineer
(@ Seoul)
Responsible for the provision of group IT services, and the development and operation of organizational services and systems, ensuring the team's tasks are completed with accountability. (Python, SQL, MS-azure cloud, power BI) *Stack: Python, SQL, MS-Azure Cloud, PowerBI, Databricks
* Relevant Majors and Project Experience preferred
* New or 1-3 years of experience
* College graduates or higher  (Those who can travel abroad)
* Language : English proficiency level is required (TOPIK Lv4~6)


[Experience status]
-New or 1-3 years of experience
-Employment type: internship(vacation) >  Contract position (1 year) > possible depending on the company's situation

-Paid internship, pc/laptop for work, temporary access card, and temporary company account issuance
-Onboarding support through mentors and OJT (On-the-Job Training)
-Paid annual leave support
-Health insurance and industrial accident insurance coverage
-Housing support allowance for long-distance interns if needed
-Housing: Provided only to residents outside the metropolitan area
-Support for E-7 visa issuance upon hiring



링크; https://zrr.kr/XYG5

-회원가입 후 지원서 작성


24 dongwon global internship_poster.png



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