[AMOREPACIFIC] 2024 Entry-Level Recruitment_Foreign Applicants (~9/23)


■ Application period : ~ September 23(Mon) 2024, 11:59 PM(KST)


■ Apply

- Online application through Amorepacific recruitment website(https://m.site.naver.com/1sKqu)

- Sign Up → JOB APPLY → Open Jobs → Select position and Apply → Update My Profile

- If you already registered your application in the other existing talent pool, click modify and then apply.


■ Recruiting section : Global Sales, Global Marketing


■ Qualifications

- Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree or higher, or scheduled to graduate by February 2025

※ Applicants with no restrictions on 6 months full-time internship during January ~ June, 2025

※ D-2/D-10/E-7/F-2/F-4/F-5/F-6 visa holders can also apply

※ Internship is conducted under D-10 visa, and E-7 visia will be supported when transition to a permanent     employee.

- Applicants who have no reason for disqualification for overseas travel or health

  (in case of a man, who has completed or exempted from military service)

- GPA : No credit restrictions

- TOPIK(Korean Language Proficiency Test) Level 4 submission

  Korean language grades must be submitted.

  Other language grades submission is not necessary.

- Other second language grades are also given preferential treatment


■ Recruitment process

 Document Screening > 1st Interview > Full-time Internship(6 months) >

 Culture-Fit Interview / 2nd Interview > Final announcement

 ※ Foreigner applicants must hold a 6 months internship available visa (ex. D-10 working visa)

 ※ After the final job offer, E-7 visa will be supported for entry-level employee.

 ※ All screening steps will be emailed separately to successful applicants only.

 ※ The above process can be changed due to company circumstances.


■ Contact : Check Application Guide & FAQ (https://careers.apgroup.com)


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