2025 GKS-G Application Forms & Guidelines (University Track)
- 글쓴이 : 한양대학교2
- 날짜 : 2025.02.13 16:58
- 조회 수 : 3392
1. Application period : 2025.02.17. 00:00 - 2025.03.03 17:00p.m (KST)
* Applications submitted outside of the designated application period will not be accepted.
2. Required documents : 1 original document
3. Admission Process
STEP 1 : (Applicants) Follow the Link and fill out the form within the above-notified application period
(Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRoX2foQbFpozW7hfN9j30EHrgbsNQXDxv2MgueWyhisjvYw/viewform?usp=sharing)
STEP 2 : (Applicants) Submit the required documents within the application period (Cannot be extended)
STEP 3 : (University) Document Screening and select candidates for the next process
STEP 4 : (University & Applicants) Conducting the video interview using "ZOOM"(details will be informed later via email)
* Interview Period : 7th April ~ 11th April (expected)
* Interview only holds for those who get to be accepted in document screening
STEP 5 : (University) Final Results Announcement at the end of April via individual email
4. Please submit all of the requirements to the International Affairs of Hanyang Univ. in person or by post within the application period.
(Address) #218, International Building, Office of International Admissions, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea
(주소) 대한민국 서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222, 한양대학교 국제관 218호 국제입학팀 사무실
5. GPA conversion (if necessary): http://www.wes.org/, http://www.foreigncredits.com
6. All details are included in the below attachments, so please check the application guidelines carefully.